February 22, 2011

The Anchor

The anchor holds. Unswayed by the bellowing winds. Not slammed about by the raucous waves. No fear leaves it quivering. It rests easy, independent of severely rough conditions.

The anchor holds. Sunk deep in chasms of sand. Rooted firmly in the trenches of the ocean floor. Griping tightly to the dense earth.

The anchor holds. It always has. It always will.

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” {John 8}

What perfect storm has side-swiped and tossed you around today, this season, this life? It's not too late to drop anchor and take root in the One whom waves and winds obey {Matt. 8}.

Before we continue jumping off the {negative} trains of thought, I want to guard our hearts and minds. Because the winds often blow with great fierceness; the waves toss with more brute strength when we reject them and put faith in the truth.

Whatever rolling waves and hurricane force winds are whipping you around, may I gently encourage you with this? The Anchor holds.

We who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. ~Hebrews 6:19

Hope Now, Addison Road


Kissed by the Creator said...

This is really weird. I am doing a talk on Thursday on Hope-An anchor for your soul and I am trying to work with the sound guy to get this video shown at the conclusion. I just wrote a blog about Hope being an Anchor http://kissedbythecreator.blogspot.com/2011/02/wind-of-hope.html
We are really on the same page not in a creepy but in a sisterly kind of way. I pray that you are lulled to a peaceful sleep with confidence in your anchor tonight. And I pray that in the morning at dawns first light you will feel the Lord guiding your steps for the day. Blessings my new friend and my your faithfulness touch the hearts of many.

Fields of gold said...

Connie, How COOL is that?! I love when the Lord connects the dots and hearts with a specific word for a season. Your blog post is genuinely lovely! Wonderful words of wisdom and thoughtfulness. Thank you for sharing!! :)

Kandi said...

I so love the story of Peter walking on water, as long as he kept his focus on Jesus, rooted himself in that anchor the waves and the winds obeyed, but when he took his eyes of Jesus the storm would start kicking up around him.

Wonderful post, I can sometimes forget where my anchor is rooted when the storms seem too much to handle.

Fields of gold said...

Kandi, that's one of my favorite stories of faith too. I have to remind myself of that when I feel like I'm sinking in fear or loneliness any other overwhelming wave.

Praying we both remember Peter's faith in our lives! Thanks friend!!