At the same time soil churned, seeds created a home, crops waved in the wind
Naomi lamented to her daughters-in-law.
Perceived destitution bred palpable desperation. Can you feel it in her words?
Return home, my daughters. Why would you come with me? {vs.1}
Her tomorrows were grim. Bleak days awaited till death reached out its welcomed hand. If only she had known: the answer to her Why? valiantly fought to walk alongside faithfully. Ready to reap a harvest of salvation. Yet Naomi kicked scorn and anger around, rejecting Ruth and redemption.
Call me not Naomi [pleasant]; call me Mara [bitter],
for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. {vs. 20}
for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. {vs. 20}
A dust cloud of pitiful and sorrowful blinded her from seeing that the very girl she pushed away was the very means God would use to rescue.
Perhaps you've given up on a hope, a dream, a love. Maybe you sit in the funnel of your fury, bitter the same trials dump heavy on you each day. Can't stand to long for change or rescue.
Don't miss this
So Naomi returned...accompanied by Ruth...her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem
as the barley harvest was beginning. {vs. 22}
As Naomi urged her daughters-in-law to leaveas the barley harvest was beginning. {vs. 22}
The harvest Ruth arrived just in time to glean. In a field where Boaz noted her. And unceremoniously provided above and beyond for her and Naomi...for the rest of her life.
He was working on Ruth's heart to stay
As her broken spirit stared at empty hands, and the end of her lifeHe was filling a field with rain and sun, and bringing life to a harvest
As she narrowly missed God's provision and loveHe was guiding her kinsman redeemer in care and concern
When brick walls are hit, ropes frayed, moments blank, remember...though unseen, God works on our behalf always. And rescue may come in unexpected form. Embrace His plan, return to Him and take heart.
The place you fear will be the death of you, may be the place you reap new life.
Going Deeper
Would you call yourself: pleasant or bitter?Pray for the Lord to open your eyes to see unlikely means of rescue {like Ruth or the barley harvest}. Have you rejected a means of redemption & rescue you deem as impossible, but God knows is possible?
Live out the first part of this verse; believe and ask for the second: Return to me, for I have redeemed you. {Isaiah 44:22}
You may also want to read "Sojourner," about Naomi's journey of grief and hope.
Would you care to join us in our series Jumping off the Train {of negative thoughts}? Click here to see past posts. Praying He rescues you in unexpected ways.
xoxo, Sam
Beautiful, as always, friend. Will be looking for His provision and redemption in unexpected and serendipitous places-- like a barley field. Love you! See you soon!
That was very powerful, Sam. I needed that today, too. Happy Tuesday! You can find me at In The Master's Hands
Thank you! I really needed this message.
Sharon, I love the word serendipitous! And that you look for God's hand to work in such ways.
Thanks for your love. See you soon, dear friend.
Kimberly, thanks! I'm gonna look up your blog too!! :)
Jen, I pray the Lord leads you to your barley field, with your faithful Ruth alongside you.
xoxo, Sam
LookinuptoHim...thank you!! :)
"God works on our behalf always. And rescue may come in unexpected form." Truth. Thanks, Sam.
I have both chills and tears after reading this.
Printing this, very timely. God is speaking and working through you in my life.
Love you Sambo <3
just catching up today and this post.
so, SO beautiful.
(and so are you.)
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